Covid-19 could appear in the UK a month earlier 5Covid-19 could appear in the UK a month earlier 5

Daren Bland, 50, an information technology consultant, skied in Ischgl, Austria from January 15 to January 19 with three friends, two from Denmark and one from Minnesota.

All three men fell ill and had basic symptoms suspected of being infected with nCoV.

This raises concerns that the Bland family may be the first cases of nCoV infection in the UK.

Austrian prosecutors on March 24 opened a criminal investigation into the ski resort in the town of Ischgl, accusing it of causing nCoV to spread throughout Europe without being detected.

Hundreds of cases in Germany, Iceland, Norway and Denmark have been confirmed by European investigators to be linked to the resort in Tyrol province.

Daren Bland (left) and wife Sarah Bland.

Like many cases of nCoV infection in Europe, Bland went to Kitzloch bar, a place famous for its fun parties.

`We visited Kitzloch and it was bustling with singing and dancing. Everyone was drenched in sweat from skiing and the waiter kept pouring drinks for hundreds of people. There is no better environment to spread the word.`

The man then returned home to Maresfield on January 19 and fell ill the next morning.

Sarah Bland, 49, Bland’s wife, said she and her youngest daughter both became sick soon after.

The Bland family has not been confirmed to be infected with nCoV but has been contacting the press to seek help for weeks.

`I think it’s important that we were tested to see if we were infected with nCoV. This is part of the skepticism, but it could also help authorities better understand the spread in

Mark Woolhouse, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Edinburgh, said the Bland family’s case demonstrated the need for more widespread testing for nCoV.

Epidemiologists are still unclear about when nCoV appeared in the UK, although a model study from Oxford University has suggested that the epidemic could have come from mid-January, a month before the UK detected cases.

Ischgl skiers from Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Germany and Austria all began testing positive for nCoV after returning home in March. Austrian authorities are now tracking previous cases amid

Many European governments began to list the town of Ischgl as an area at risk of disease transmission.

Werner Kurz, the mayor of Ischgl, said the decision to close was `a disaster` for the town.

The UK recorded more than 9,500 nCoV infections and more than 460 deaths after Covid-19 appeared in more than 190 countries and territories.

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