Teach children to speak well before 1 year old 4Teach children to speak well before 1 year old 4

Master of Psychology Nguyen Thi Minh, lecturer at the National Academy of Public Administration, Ho Chi Minh City, advises that from the moment a child is born, parents should pay attention to teaching their children how to communicate with the outside world through gestures and words.

For parents to compare, Ms. Minh should summarize the cognitive and language development characteristics of children from 3 to 12 months old as follows:

Cognitive development:

– From 3 months old, babies have the ability to look at people and things more attentively.

Illustrative photo: Fox.

– From 5 months onwards, children often feel everything around them with their eyes.

In order to develop children’s cognitive abilities, parents and caregivers should regularly take children for walks so they can observe the surrounding scenery.

Characteristics of memory development:

From 4 months old, babies can distinguish between old and new objects.

Understanding this characteristic, parents need to organize many activities and repetitive games to train their children’s memory.

Characteristics of language development:

Right from birth, children have a way to express their needs and desires to their parents.

– 12 weeks old: Laughs when others talk to them, making `eh…a` sounds.

– 16 weeks: Turn your head toward the voice.

– 6 months old: From the sound `hea` to babbling.

– 8 months old: Pronounces syllables repeatedly like `ma ma`, `ba ba`…

To help children develop the ability to use language, parents need to regularly talk and communicate with their children.

On the other hand, if the child reaches each stage and does not meet the above standards, the child should be examined at a medical facility with a pediatrics department.

Thi Tran

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