The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012 3The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012 3

Transparency International has just released a report on the Corruption Perception Index 2012.

The top three countries, Denmark, Finland and New Zealand, all scored 90 points on a scale of 100. Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan ranked last with only 8 points.

1. Somalia

Score: 8

For many years, the United States and the former Soviet Union have considered Somalia a political battlefield by providing financial support to factions there.

2. North Korea

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 8

According to Transparency International, corruption here has become serious since the early 1990s, when the Stalinist government collapsed.

3. Afghanistan

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 8

Afghanistan fell to the bottom of this year’s rankings after the country’s largest bank – Kabul Bank was discovered to be involved in a fraud of nearly 900 million USD to funnel money to politicians and the elite.

4. South Sudan

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 13

South Sudan produces half a million barrels of oil per day, and the $10 billion in revenue generated since 2005 has contributed nearly 98% of the government’s budget.

5. Myanmar

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 15

After 50 years under military control, since March 2011, Myanmar has implemented a series of both political and economic reforms.

6. Uzbekistan

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 17

Nasreddin Talybov, an employee of the anti-corruption department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, said: `The people of my country are used to bribing everyone, whether they are teachers or doctors. We need to let everyone know that it is

7. Turkmenistan

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 17

An underdeveloped legal system has caused the country to sink deeper into corruption.

8. Iraq

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 18

In 2009, a former exiled Iraqi political official revealed on the BBC that: `Millions of dollars have been stolen, and some of it goes to terrorist groups. The government cannot win against them if it does not solve the problem.`

9. Venezuela

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 19

The discovery of a series of oil fields in Venezuela has pushed the country deeper into corruption.

10. Haiti

The 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2012

Score: 19

In 2011, the US State Department’s Human Rights Report said corruption `remains rampant at every corner and level of Haiti’s government`, even after the country elected a new president.

Thuy Linh (composite)

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