The year 2021 is bright in the eyes of astrologers 3The year 2021 is bright in the eyes of astrologers 3

`From an astrological perspective, 2020 was an unprecedented year,` says Aliza Kelly, a New York-based astrologer and host of Stars Like Us.

That is the Saturn and Pluto alignment on January 12, in an event last seen in 1982, when a million people flooded the streets of New York to protest nuclear proliferation.

`2021 is a direct response to the cataclysmic changes of 2020,` Kelly added.

Aliza Kelly, New York astrologer.

The year 2020 has turned everyone’s lives upside down, but astrologers predict that 2021 will witness many equally exciting but more positive events.

`On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will meet in Aquarius and they will stay in this sign most of the year. Aquarius is a sign of sudden change, community formation,

Astrologers also point to positive signs for community creativity in the coming year.

`We also saw a Saturn-Uranus square during spring and early summer 2020, a time of racial equality protests, so similar events are possible.

According to Kelly, this activity between Jupiter and Saturn is the beginning of important things.

Politically, Bell predicts `there will be a desire to do things differently and have a new kind of leadership, perhaps an entirely new kind`.

`Changes related to all of this will most likely become apparent in early 2021, specifically January and February. This is when Mars meets Uranus in Taurus and both are square

Kelly also offers advice on what leaders should do next year.

`At the macro level, governments need to come together to define common values, especially around climate, agriculture, currencies and public health,` Kelly said.

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