Pinocchio is the main character in the famous animated film of the same name that Disney released in 1940. The film describes Pinocchio’s adventures with his dream of becoming human, trying to give up his habit of lying to get a salary.
Pinocchio and a series of outrageous pranks
In Carlo Collodi’s original work, Pinocchio is not only a child who often lies, but he also does wrong things that make readers hate him.
Pinocchio even kicked the worker Geppetto in the face and ran away.
Another cruel act of Pinocchio that the animated film omitted was when he used a hammer to kill the talking cricket, the animal that represented his conscience.
A series of terrible punishments for Pinocchio
Of course, if you do something wrong, you will be punished, but Pinocchio’s punishments are not simple or gentle.
Pinocchio’s punishment is also shown through terrible accidents such as being in prison, turning into a donkey, crawling into the belly of a shark, and being processed into food.
Therefore, Disney believes that the original Pinocchio is a dark story about a disrespectful boy who is punished with extremely violent punishments for children.
However, for the original work, everything seems easier because despite the dark content, this is still a successful work when translated into more than 240 languages, selling more than 80 million copies worldwide.