'When extra class ends, she kicks us out of the house' 4'When extra class ends, she kicks us out of the house' 4

From the end of kindergarten until now, my grandson has not had a summer of innocent rest and free play because he always has to repeat the refrain: Study more, study more and study some more…

The thing that impressed me the most was when he was in 2nd grade, which was the summer of the 2012-2013 school year.

After a month of reviewing with the 2nd grade homeroom teacher, the children had exactly 6 days off when the `future` teacher – who would be the 3rd grade homeroom teacher, summoned the children in my nephew’s 2nd grade to review.

Just finished reviewing the homeroom teacher of grade 2, then reviewing again with the `future` homeroom teacher of grade 3, and at the same time learning some 3rd grade knowledge in advance. Once again, parents worry about paying for the second extra class (

`Let’s give back forever carefree summers, lots of rest, innocent play and health to our children.`

Another thing worth mentioning that very few readers know is that when time is up, the tutors kick all the children out of their house, regardless of whether the parents have come to pick them up or not.

On that occasion, my nephew’s elementary school was under construction, the school gate was full of gravel, rocks, sand, bricks, iron and steel… One day I came to pick him up 10 minutes late, and saw him climbing bareheaded under the harsh noon sun.

Missing my grandchild, I shouted: `Why aren’t you in my house instead of coming out here to play in the sun like this?`

The second thing that you don’t know is that because you teach at home, you often give the children lessons to do on their own, then she goes to do chores around the house, or worse, she gives them lessons and then goes to the market, quickly.

It’s insensitive and irresponsible.

Every summer, those alleys are bustling with children’s `extra learning and pre-learning market` even though the policy of `no private tutoring` and `absolutely no extra tutoring` has been put in place.

Let’s give back forever the carefree summers, lots of rest, innocent play and health for our children.

>> See more: If you don’t study extra, you’ll still get a score of 9.5

Tran Thong Que

'When extra class ends, she kicks us out of the house'

Learn more to gain ‘relationships’

It’s an indirect way to get to know the teachers, or more accurately: ‘My child is taking extra classes at the teacher’s place.

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