Why is speaking gently more powerful than yelling at a child? 3Why is speaking gently more powerful than yelling at a child? 3

One girl said that when she was young, she got used to her father’s loud voice.

It wasn’t until she got married that she realized that abnormality in her family.

Parents educate children every day, through words that unconsciously increase in volume with emotion, forcing children to look at their parents’ faces so they can assess the seriousness of the problem.

The tone of a parent’s voice greatly influences the child.

When a child makes a mistake, the parents scream in anger, the result is nothing more than the following two things: One is that the child will be very afraid of the parents, they don’t think there is anything wrong, they just hope the parents will end it soon

However, when we lower our voice and calmly talk to our children seriously, we automatically do not need to show anger but are still extremely powerful in our children’s eyes.

Criticizing children by speaking gently is also good for their future personality.

Psychologists at Peking University believe that voice education is a type of intelligence, this method is the opposite of scolding education.

– Say urgent things slowly, big things say clearly, small things say humorously, don’t say random things, don’t say random things, say cautious things that are uncertain, don’t say random things that can’t be done, don’t talk nonsense about things that hurt people

– Use the correct tone and words

Many parents find it difficult to control themselves when criticizing their children.

– Make our expectations clear to our children

For example, take your child to the supermarket, tell him not to tamper with the goods, and warn him what the consequences will be if he doesn’t.

– Do not hurt the child’s self-esteem

Depending on the situation, don’t arbitrarily pour out all your emotions on your child, don’t use words that hurt your child’s self-esteem.

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